Friday, July 31, 2009

FTC Extends Red Flag Compliance Again


FTC Again Extends the Deadline for Red Flags Rule Enforcement
until November 1, 2009.

Originally schedule to go into effect on November 1, 2008
the Enforcement date had been pushed back to August 1st
until this second extension made just days before Enforcement
was due to become official.

Despite the Enforcement dates, the Red Flags Rules are currently
in effect, it is currently is simply not yet being enforced by
the FTC.

A number of industries and entities within the FTC’s jurisdiction expressed confusion and uncertainty about what entities would be subject to the Rule and what the Rule itself required of those "covered" entities ("covered" entities is a term within the Red Flags Law that can be
read as "responsible" for Compliance).

To assist small businesses and other entities subject to the Rule, the FTC issued new resources and guidance and again extended the compliance deadline.

The Red Flags Web site offers resources to help you determine if you are "covered" (again, this means "responsible" for Compliance) and, if you are "covered", how do you comply with the Rule?

You may request a Free Red Flags Guide from the Red Flags Compliant
Website, just enter your email address and it will be sent to you.
This information does not go into any marketing database and the
information for the Free Guide will not be sold or abused in any way.

If you would like to set up a Free Consultation regarding your
Red Flag Compliance or questions about what your business has
to do to be Certified Compliant...just fill in the "Contact Us" form

Also See:
Red Flag Compliance Identity Theft Law

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