Thursday, July 30, 2009

26 Suggested Red Flags, Only 7 Are Covered by Electronic ID

Many companies that have made an attempt to be Red Flag
Compliant are not. Why not?

Those who feel they have addressed the problem with Electronic
ID Monitoring may not, in fact, have gone far enough for Compliance, There are 26 suggested Red Flags and only 7 of those are covered
by electronic ID,

Do it yourself kits do not always provide the accurate training
needed to comply or policy plan for ongoing Compliance has not
been properly set down with the company's guideline Manual.

The new Red Flag legislation was
created to stop Identity Theft and
Fraud at the retail point of contact …

Red Flag Compliance Fraud Detection

If you use consumer reports - originate and/or provide
financing, take payments over time, run a Collection Service,
over time, run a collection service or in Real Estate as a
Landlord or Real Estate Property Management Company most likely you are
you most likely need to be Compliant under this legislation. (Even if you don’t use consumer reports
there is a possibility of identity theft and
you need to verify ID of your new clients ...)

if you have an incident of ID theft
and no program in place,
you are not going to be pleased with the FTC findings.

Debt Collectors / Landlords / RE Mgt. Co.

Auto, RV, Boat & Motorcycle Dealers

need to check on their Red Flags Compliance or face the possibility
of FTC Audit, FTC Fines and potential Civil Litigation Exposure.

Red Flag Alerts-Certification Training

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