Friday, July 31, 2009

FTC Extends Red Flag Compliance Again


FTC Again Extends the Deadline for Red Flags Rule Enforcement
until November 1, 2009.

Originally schedule to go into effect on November 1, 2008
the Enforcement date had been pushed back to August 1st
until this second extension made just days before Enforcement
was due to become official.

Despite the Enforcement dates, the Red Flags Rules are currently
in effect, it is currently is simply not yet being enforced by
the FTC.

A number of industries and entities within the FTC’s jurisdiction expressed confusion and uncertainty about what entities would be subject to the Rule and what the Rule itself required of those "covered" entities ("covered" entities is a term within the Red Flags Law that can be
read as "responsible" for Compliance).

To assist small businesses and other entities subject to the Rule, the FTC issued new resources and guidance and again extended the compliance deadline.

The Red Flags Web site offers resources to help you determine if you are "covered" (again, this means "responsible" for Compliance) and, if you are "covered", how do you comply with the Rule?

You may request a Free Red Flags Guide from the Red Flags Compliant
Website, just enter your email address and it will be sent to you.
This information does not go into any marketing database and the
information for the Free Guide will not be sold or abused in any way.

If you would like to set up a Free Consultation regarding your
Red Flag Compliance or questions about what your business has
to do to be Certified Compliant...just fill in the "Contact Us" form

Also See:
Red Flag Compliance Identity Theft Law

Thursday, July 30, 2009

26 Suggested Red Flags, Only 7 Are Covered by Electronic ID

Many companies that have made an attempt to be Red Flag
Compliant are not. Why not?

Those who feel they have addressed the problem with Electronic
ID Monitoring may not, in fact, have gone far enough for Compliance, There are 26 suggested Red Flags and only 7 of those are covered
by electronic ID,

Do it yourself kits do not always provide the accurate training
needed to comply or policy plan for ongoing Compliance has not
been properly set down with the company's guideline Manual.

The new Red Flag legislation was
created to stop Identity Theft and
Fraud at the retail point of contact …

Red Flag Compliance Fraud Detection

If you use consumer reports - originate and/or provide
financing, take payments over time, run a Collection Service,
over time, run a collection service or in Real Estate as a
Landlord or Real Estate Property Management Company most likely you are
you most likely need to be Compliant under this legislation. (Even if you don’t use consumer reports
there is a possibility of identity theft and
you need to verify ID of your new clients ...)

if you have an incident of ID theft
and no program in place,
you are not going to be pleased with the FTC findings.

Debt Collectors / Landlords / RE Mgt. Co.

Auto, RV, Boat & Motorcycle Dealers

need to check on their Red Flags Compliance or face the possibility
of FTC Audit, FTC Fines and potential Civil Litigation Exposure.

Red Flag Alerts-Certification Training

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Guide to Meeting Red Flags Compliance

A Jumpstart Guide to meeting Red Flags Compliance.

Complete the form and we will immediately
e-mail you the complete Red Flags Compliance guide.

Any Company that works with Consumer Credit
is now required to have in place an
Identity Theft Prevention program by August 1st, 2009.

These prevention measures must be in writing and
followed closely or those companies not compliant can
potentially face large fines by the FTC, civil litigation and liability,
and ongoing audits by the Federal Trade Commission.

1. Is my company required to meet the Red Flags Compliance Rules?
2. What if my company is not in compliance by August 1, 2009?
3. What is the Fastest and Easiest way to become compliant?

Use the Contact Us and enter any information you want to provide
so that we may discuss your need with you...Each Binder is a
Unique Manual for each business...we customize the Binder to
the exact needs of your business.


Email Address:

Phone Number:
--Not Mandatory, leave a number if you want us to call you!
Referred By:
--just fill in the rest, leave this affiliate box blank
--Any specific question you'd like to ask or a time that
would be convenient to discuss Red Flags Compliance.

No Sales "Pitches"...this is a Federally Required Program and
we are providing Superior Personalized Service to HELP YOU.
We don't need to sell you a thing, We have the absolute best
Compliance Service we know of.

Some businesses think they are covered by some "Electronic
Service" or "Software Program"

REQUIREMENTS when using these "Shortcuts" and
they will be ineffective as a defense and as insurance
against Federal Fines and Civil Litigation.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Red Flag Compliance Fraud Detection

Red Flags Compliance for Consumer Identity Theft Protection
and Red Flag Compliance Fraud Detection.

Responsibility has now fallen to the small business and
medium sized businesses to enforce and the FTC is overseeing it.

Small and Mid-sized organizations are dealing with many of the
same fraud challenges that have traditionally been associated
with big business and, even banking.

Our Red Flags Compliant team analyzes client's existing data,
looking at your business and working with you to identify exposure
to Red Flags potential violations and
inappropriate relationships
as it pertains to Red Flags as you are also held responsible for
the actions of 3rd parties acting on your behalf and who provide
direct services for the company.

Our Team helps organizations maximize the productivity of their
investigative resources to remain Compliant throughout the year.
Our service compresses the investigation process and allows
companies to be more proactive in their fraud mitigation efforts.

We have also removed the need for up-front investments in
software and implementation services within the company, thus
providing a very cost effective solution for becoming Compliant
and also a Certification with all the elements to remain Compliant.

An ineffective effort will not offer the Compliant Insurance that
the company needs to protect itself not only from Audit and Fines
from the FTC, but exposure to Civil Litigation, as well.

Any Company that works with Consumer Credit is now required to have in place an Identity Theft Prevention program by August 1st, 2009.

Start now it takes time to become compliant.

A Jumpstart Guide to meeting compliance.
Complete the form and we will immediately
e-mail you the complete guide.

Red Flags Compliance for Consumer Identity Theft
and Fraud Detection.
Use the "Contact Us" form on the site for to set an appointment

Issuers of Credit Invited to Red Flags Compliant Webinar with Lee Holden

We provide issuers of credit with the information to assess their
risks associated with a credit applications.

If your company verifies a borrower's employment details, credit,
extends financing or rental units you may now need to have the
company Certified Red Flags Compliant, which
anti-fraud best practices.

If you or your Company ensure the validity of a borrower's Identity
you Need to Be On This Webinar...

Tuesday July 28, 2009 @ 8:30pm - 9:30pm EST
Red Flags Compliant Webinar with Lee Holden

Do YOU Understand the Red Flag Rule?

What is the program all about? What do our customers get?

Bring your questions - and we'll get you answers!

You can register for the Red Flags Compliant Webinar:
Click to register

A Jumpstart Guide to meeting compliance.
Complete the form and we will immediately
e-mail you the complete Red Flags Compliance guide.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Red Flag Compliance Identity Theft Law

The Government is turning over the responsibility of Consumer
Identity Theft Protections via the Red Flag Compliance Laws
regarding Identity Theft and those businesses and individuals
that require credit qualification for their products or services,
including Landlords and Housing Rentals and Property Managers
for Apartment and Home rentals.

The new Red Flag legislation was
created to stop Identity Theft and
Fraud at the retail point of contact …

If you use consumer reports - originate
and/or provide financing, take payments
over time, run a collection service you and
your business are most likely "covered"
under this legislation.

In the language of the Red Flag Compliance
"covered" means Responsible for Certification.

Even if you don’t use or pull consumer credit reports
there is a possibility of and exposure to possible identity theft
if you need to verify ID and/or verification of "history"

Audits were delayed until May 1, 2009 and extended
until August 1, 2009 (the current deadline, as of this writing).

The FTC is responsible for audits when they begin …

The Laws as Applicable are complicated and you will want
expert advice as to what your business needs to do to be considered

Do these two things, now, if you suspect you may need to be
be Red Flag Compliant.

The Free Red Flag Compliance Guide
1) Complete the form and we will immediately
e-mail you the complete guide.
Your email will not be stored it will be used only for sending the requested information

We do not maintain any type of Data Base on these requests
and there is no unsolicited email marketing followup. Enter
a contact phone number only if you wish to be contacted as follow-up.

2) For your Convenience, at the top of the page on the site
you'll see a "Contact Us" tab.

Fill in any information that Applies...
Add a phone number if you wish to be called for any follow-up

The Contact Us box
(we use this information for follow-up at your request.
We do NOT put this information into any type of Auto-Responder
or email data base of any kind. Your Information is secure and
this request will not generate any marketing or any kind).

The Contact Us box looks like this

Email Address:

Phone Number:

Referred By:
(you may mention this blog if you wish)

(Ask a Question or questions here
or simply request a Free Phone Consultation)

That's all you have to do to get Started...
You can request a Free Interview to see if you
are required by Law to be Red Flag Compliant.

We are here to help you...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Red Flags Compliant Webinar with Lee Holden, The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Red Flags

Lee Holden, in Association with Fix Credit Biz, will be delivering
an overview of Red Flags Compliance in a Webinar Tuesday 7/21.

Red Flags Compliant Webinar with Lee Holden, The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Red Flags

All U.S. businesses and financial institutions must soon comply with the Fair and Accurate Transactions Act of 2003, known as FACTA. It includes guidelines known as the Red Flag regulations, which are intended to combat identity theft for consumer accounts.

Every Red Flags Compliant business is required to display the Red Flags seal on their website. This seal provides your customers access to the latest information regarding your company's Red Flags status. Your customers will be able to click through to create a ticket describing the identity theft they believe has occurred. They can also access a live chat system to access help for potential credit abuses.

Identity Theft Rules

Register for the Red Flags 1 Hour Webinar
and get The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Red Flags