Sunday, September 13, 2009

Red Flag Rules and Identity Theft

Identity Theft and Red Flags Rules

Investopedia Says:
Identity theft is committed many different ways. Some identity thieves sift through trash bins looking for bank account and credit card statements; other more high-tech methods involve accessing corporate databases to steal lists of customer information.

Red Flag Rules have been established so that business owners
establish safeguards to protect Consumer identity information
and have a Plan of Prevention of the loss of confidential information.

The FTC will request this during any Audit of Red Flag Enforcement.

Red Flag Compliance is a written plan and policy for the specific
business operation...which is why any company offering automated
solutions or "cookie cutter" fill-in-the-blank products cannot fulfill
the FTC Guidelines to be Red Flag Compliant.

Each business and industry runs in it's own way and each is
unique and a Doctor's Office does not operate the same as a
Property Manager, Mortage Broker or Auto Dealership...
all of whom MUST have Red Flags Certification.

We have the Solution to your Red Flags Compliance

We would like to invite you to a special Tutorial Webinar
to let you see and hear the Real Facts of the Red Flag Rules.

Tuesday September 15th--8:30pm - 9:30pm EST

On the webinar Lee will be addressing the following:
Whats up with the Red Flag Rule?
What is the program all about?
What do our customer get?
Bring your questions - and we'll get you answers!

Red Flags Compliant Webinar with Lee Holden

Tues, Sep 15, 2009 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT

Red Flag Rules and Identity Theft

Stealing the identity of others by using their credit card, drivers license, social security or other personal identification numbers has been increasing in mind boggling numbers in just the last five years.

Not only can the thieves run up bills for the victims, but identity thieves can also commit crimes pretending to be the victim, who may have enormous difficulty proving otherwise.

The easy access and automation on the Web has caused identity theft to increase rapidly.

In 1998, the U.S. Congress made identity theft a federal offense.

Preventing Identity Theft: A Guide for Consumers (PDF)
Guide created by the National Crime Prevention Council

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